Welcome to firefly :D This is the tutorial collective, of all the tutorials written by Lain. As all these tutorials are solely written and capped by me, I expect that these will not be stolen. Meaning, you will not take the files and upload it onto your own server, claiming that you made them. If you see anyone who has, please contact me immediately. All tutorials open up in new windows. They will have a better form of classification when I write up more :P There is no mailform, so please simply leave a message in the guestbook on what kind of tutorial you would like, and an example if possible- and a little message if you like the site ;) haha.
Grunge tutorial, requiring full version of Photoshop. I use 6.0. |
This covers the basic functions of HTML. It only requires your typing ability and Notepad. |
A basic pen tutorial, teaching basic use and technique. Requires Photoshop. |
A tutorial that teaches how to create an outline around text. Requires Photoshop and custom line patterns. |
Want to spread the word about fIREfLY? If you have a website on which my tutorials helped you, you can link back to here with any of these following buttons (donations are accepted! <3):

But keep in mind not to direct link! And if you have time, please feel free to sign my guestbook! Thanks, and come by again! :D